Julia Parker, Victoria Daniels
Apr 30, 2018
Julia Parker & Victoria Daniels — Dominoes
Gorgeous dark haired Victoria Daniels is playing dominoes with her blonde best friend Julia Parker who doesn't seem as interested in their little game. She decides to make things a lot more fun and stands up on the glass table, spraying a stream of her golden piss down onto the playing pieces! Victoria doesn't seem shocked by her best friends behaviour and as she turns to face Julia, she catches more of her piss in her hands and gets her blue top completely drenched in golden juices. Julia licks her way up Victoria's wet body and helps her take off her pee soaked clothes before Victoria then stands above Julia, repaying the favour and soaking her in piss too! Once both girls are naked, Victoria licks Julia's pussy as Julia fires another stream, this time into Victoria's mouth. Julia is laying down on the glass coffee table and Victoria decides to ride her face, before peeing right into Julia's face! These pissing lesbians can't seem to get enough of each others juices! Julia bends over into the doggystyle position while Victoria fingers her and then catches more of her warm piss in a glass vase. Jessica follows suit and tops it up with hers too and this mix of their lesbian pee is then poured over their hair, soaking them through! Both girls are in the mood to orgasm with all of this watersports fun and take turns sharing a white vibrator while peeing into each others hands. This pissing porn is definitely much more fun than playing dominoes!

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